Monday, February 6, 2012


My wife and I had planned to go out to see a movie this past Saturday, but at the last minute we decided we would just do the Redbox thing. Katie looked through the local Redbox selection and came up with a few options. In the end, a successful Sundance film caught our fancy and, in my pajamas, I drove down to pick it up.

Long story short...I loved it. I love those surprise movies (one of the greatest things). I liked the lead guy (William Mapother--Ethan Rom from Lost) in parts (he actually had some great moments--loved the Wii scene), but in some key moments he fell short for me. The main actress (and screenwriter), Britt Marling, was fabulous. From what I've learned, she actually taught herself how to write because she didn't want to have to...well, let me just quote her.
"How terrifying to surrender your life to being chosen all the time. Having to be chosen and re-chosen. Writing so that I can act became a way of having not more control over my future but not having to wait for permission. You can choose yourself. Hmm, who should play this part? I nominate me!"

So, I'm going to do the same. End of story. Thanks, Brit Marling, for inspiring me to go after my dreams.