Friday, January 27, 2012

My Favorite Zorro

The best Zorro movie of all time! Ron Leibman and George Hamilton are so brilliant together. I've included a couple of my favorite clips below.

Fast forward and then start watching this first clip at 4 minutes into the video--this is the scene that always jumps into my head when I think of this movie.

This next scene is also fantastic! Sorry about the weird subtitles--this was the only clip I could find online. Start watching this one at 0:50 into the video.

If you haven't seen this movie, go rent it and watch it tonight. These youtube clips don't do it justice at all.


  1. Never seen this version. I'll have to check it out.

  2. May be a bit of name dropping, but Ron Leibman is currently my acting professor at the New School for Drama and one of my classmates tentatively mentioned this movie (afraid this was one of those movies he wouldn't want to mention or talk about) to which he responded, " I loved that part, are you kidding me - Now walking, and jumping and running in place"
